Sunday, February 8, 2015

Hide All the Ends!!

Currently, I am finishing a baby blanket. Now, this is not your usual one color blanket, which would have more than enough ends for you to hide. I decided that this should be a striped blanket. Stripes means LOTS of ends. I hate hiding ends.

I'm not sure why I hate it so much. It's not hard. Especially since I have recently learned a better, and quicker, way to do it. It takes maybe a minute per end. There is just something about it that I cannot stand. So, of course, I do stripes. I should have been smart. I should have done strips that were two rows. Then, I could have just carried the colors up. I would only have had to hide the ends of the balls of yarn. Nope. I had to do one stripe two rows, and the other stripe had to be six rows. You cannot carry yarn up a six row stripe.

The blanket is already over due, and so I can no longer put off the tedium of hiding the ends. I must suffer through it before I can start much of anything else.

I also have the horror of deciding to finish all my guilt knitting this year. That means that I am also unable to start as many other things as I would like. The guilt knitting pile is huge. I have several sweaters as well as a couple pairs of mittens and a few pairs of socks. I am not looking forward to it, hence why I haven't really started it.

The one thing I have started? A scarf for a beginning lace class I hope to teach. So, technically, it's not even hobby knitting. It's knitting for work. Sometimes, I wonder why I ever got into this. (Plus the stash needs to be reorganized.)

Sunday, January 25, 2015

The End of the Beginning

So, the beginning of the new year is drawing to a close. I have a few goals in mind (yes, late, I know. It takes me a while to figure out how I want to spend my energy.). 
First off, I want to start fewer projects while I still have stuff on (most of) my needles. I don't need 20 projects going. I only need 3 or 4. (or 10)
Also, I want to use patterns and yarn I already have. That is the point of the stash. If I didn't want to use it, I wouldn't have bought it.
I want to work on designing a few more things and actually writing the patterns for them. Then putting them up for sale.
 Finishing projects also means hiding ends, blocking, taking pictures, and making notes on what I liked/disliked about the project. What I thought of the yarn, pattern, needles, colour choices. All that. 
I also want to spend more time sewing, bringing my crochet skills up to par, I want to read at least 1 book per month. I also want to finish more pairs of socks, and get  my guilt knitting done and off my chest.
All good things to know by the end of the beginning of the new year.